woman stressed looking at phone

FOMO aka Fear of Missing Out: A feeling of anxiety or insecurity over the possibility of missing out on something, as an event or an opportunity.



It’s Saturday night and you’re on the couch in your cute pajamas scrolling Instagram and you start to feel your stomach turn in knots. No, you didn’t see your boyfriend out with another girl. But you did see all your girls together at a party, laughing, dancing, and having a good time. Without you.

It’s okay to feel some type of way when you’re missing out, but there is no need to dwell in that space.

While you’re contemplating the reasons you think you should be there, it’s easy to forget the reason you’re not. When our emotions get the better of us, they can affect our rational thinking. Let’s assess our circumstances to bring us back to reality.

woman contemplating and rolling her eyes

You didn’t go for a reason…. remember your “why”

Maybe you decided to stay in because you had a paper due on Monday. Or maybe you needed time to prepare an important presentation for a work proposal. Or you could be trying to save a few coins and rebuild your travel savings.

Whatever your reason, remember that you decided in YOUR best interest, for YOUR good. Give yourself some props for having the self-awareness and self-discipline to decline.

Everything is not as it seems

While a picture can be worth a thousand words, in this day and age we know a lot of times pictures are staged. A facade. A front for the internet. What I’m saying is, that it might not be real! Or it’s magnified to the point of being unrealistic.

Oftentimes the enemy will try to employ these tricks to distract us from our goals and responsibilities. But just know that your mind is likely playing tricks on you, making you feel like you’re missing out on the event of the year when you’re probably not.

Everything is as it seems

two women laughing at party

Okay, so maybe the picture is telling the truth! Maybe they really are having a blast. You should be happy that the people you love are genuinely having a good time.

These are your girls, and you know that whether they are celebrating or just letting their hair down, they totally deserve to have some fun. Don’t let the FOMO feeling turn you into a hater!

They miss you too

Don’t assume because you’re not present, that your presence isn’t missed. Nobody can take your place or bring the energy that you do. You know that, and so do your best friends.

Insecurities will have you thinking that these moments mean that you’re not valuable in your friendships, and that’s just not true! Remember that they love you and wish you were there just as much as you do.

There will be other events

So what if you didn’t make it to this one?! There will be plenty of other times for you to get together with your friends. This outing is not the first and you know that it will not be the last. Missing out this time will only make the next reunion even sweeter.

So how can you overcome your FOMO?

Check out these 5 tips below!

woman sitting on couch doing work

1| Focus on Your Goal

Again, you are not there for a reason, if it was due to needing to complete a task or doing an important project, go get it done!

You will feel good about the decision you made if you use your time productively as you intended to. Not doing so will only make you feel worse, having missed out with your friends and not accomplishing your goals.

2| Put Your Phone Down

Seems simple enough, but I do understand it’s easier said than done.

Oftentimes once you see one picture or video, you find yourself down a rabbit hole visiting each friend’s page to see what’s going on from their point of view. Save yourself the insanity and just close the app.

3| Reach Out

If you can’t look away, maybe giving them a call, by video or phone, or sending them a message will give you some peace.

Thankfully we are living in a time where you can still be present in multiple ways.

4| Plan the Next Gathering

Start planning the next outing, activity, or event for you and your friends.

If you can’t be there this time for whatever reason, start planning your next gathering, whether it’s a night out or an epic Girls Trip.

5| Embrace the Alone Time

If you’re not there for other reasons outside of your control, then spend some time hanging with yourself.

Learn a new hobby, read a good book, try a new recipe, or do something that will be fun and engage your mind. Or simply treat yourself to something that makes you feel good!

woman laying down reading with dog

I live in another country now, so I am always missing out on events and those spur-of-the-moment hangouts back home, and it does suck sometimes. But I reflect on these points and pull myself together, and you can do the same!

Comment below about a time you had FOMO and what you did to get over it.

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