In the last post, we discussed all the reasons why we should have an attitude of gratitude for our friendships, and reflected on the many different ways our friends have added value to our lives.


While a “thank you” is typically the go-to way to show our appreciation (and not a bad one), there are so many other ways we can express gratitude.


I love words and I love when people can put their thoughts together to articulate exactly how they feel, I believe that sometimes words without action can hold little weight.

We can say we love our friends until we are blue in the face, but if we never take a moment to show them, then eventually those words won’t mean as much.

 As we gear up for this Christmas season, let’s switch up this popular tradition and change the 25 Days of Christmas to the 25 Gestures of Friendship Appreciation. Check out the list below! 

1| Bake their favorite dessert


2| Send them a unique digital greeting card

3| If they have kids, offer to babysit

4| If they have a pet, offer to pet-sit


5| Donate to a charity that they care about

6| Help them deep clean their home

7| Offer to wash their car

8| Pay for their gas

9| Send them a gift card to their favorite store

10| Make dinner for them

11| Publish an appreciation post on social media

12| If they are in school, offer to be their study buddy for an upcoming exam


13| Offer to do their hair or paint their nails

14| If they have a business, promote their products/services

15| If they have a business, leave an honest review

16| If they have a business, purchase or gift their products/services

17| Create a playlist of songs they’d love


18| Put together a photo album/scrapbook of your friendship

19| Create a puzzle with a photo collage of your friend

20| If they are looking for a job, offer to help them prep or even do a mock interview


21| Put together a video of your favorite moments together

22| Run an errand for them

23| Gift them an eBook

24| Make them a Jar of Affirmations

25| Create and send them a friendship care package


Many of the gestures on this list are inexpensive, if not completely free! You don’t have to break the bank to show love. Saying thank you with your actions is just another way to be an intentional friend.

What are some things that you like to do to make your friends feel appreciated? I’d love to hear it in the comment box below!

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